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Episode 7 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 7:

Victor's Paranoia

The really important take-home message here is that a study in Alzheimer's would provide a great chance for Victor to wield his power in unpredictable ways. This would give the audience a chance to learn a lot about a long-term disease without forcing Victor off the scene on a regular schedule. I sped up the effect here, and it loses a lot, but stretched over a nice period of time, you could really do some cool things with his memory, paranoia, etc. For example, he could have three kinds of enemies: (a) people who want his company, (b) people who like him but want him to step down from power because he's sick, and (c) coatracks and other imagined enemies.

If not Victor, the other character it might be good to do this with is John. In John's case, it would give him a chance and motivation to play something other than Mr. NiceGuy all the time. It's really hard given John's personality to get him into some real conflict, but a little mental deterioration and he could have flashes of anger, paranoia, rage, etc. that would be very interesting.

One precondition of John getting this, though, has to be the return of Jabot to his control. It has bothered me for quite some time that Jabot is in the hands of Victor and there seems to be a cessation of any attempt to get it back. It used to be that Victor didn't have all the power in town. Now that he does, it's bad because if John went looney, Victor would simply take him out of power. If Jabot were again a family business, taking John out of power would be more complex... especially with some paranoia mixed in to keep John from following his own normal concience of just resigning for the good of the company. How to get Jabot back? There are ways. One way might be for someone to sue Victor and/or Jabot for sexual harrassment--just about anyone could do this--Ryan is my choice. Another way might be a good will gesture to get Ashley's attention. Another way might be him thinking it was no longer a good business venture. The list goes on.

Cricket of All Trades

Q: What's the point of all these plots in Another Way Out?

The point is to underscore the fact that Cricket is once again in too many plotlines.

Phyllis harbors UnChristine thoughts.

This is just wish-fulfillment of the audience desire to have Cricket appear less...

That's all for Episode 7's morals. Don't miss Episode 8 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1996, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.