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Episode 8 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 8:

Sharon's first baby is once again a secret

Will someone please write something into the plot that acknowledges Sharon once had another baby?

Phyllis shares her newfound secret

The folks on the newsgroup have been panting, I think rightly, for some comic relief, so I volunteered Phyllis for the purpose here. Something based on her recent exposure to "God's power" would be fun. There are lots of options--this was just one to illustrate the fact.

Kurt learns Ashley's secret

I didn't remember Ashley being injured in a way that would leave these kinds of scars, so I got to thinking: what would explain the desire for huge bruises around her eyes, and the only thing I could come up with was some sort of surgery on them (since everyone is always complaining that she is cross-eyed)--perhaps this whole plotline was written to mask the need for her to get some surgery.

Kate learns Kurt's secret

We need a way to explain Kurt's being detached from the world, so this was my "stab" at it. I hope the writers have something behind this because they've hinted there is stuff with the sound of cars screeching while he was in the forest. This has been the subject of lots of speculation--it better turn out to be something juicy. Lately, writers have been showing a lot of insensitivity to what they have built up and have just dropped plots without warning.

Paul and Cricket find secret clues

I figured it was about time for us to have another mystery. I like mysteries--when there's an answer that's been pre-planned, that is. No more write-'em-as-you-go mysteries like on Victor's shooting, though, ok?

A secret meeting attracts new blood

It's obvious the original wifeswappers plot fizzled, perhaps a swap of swappers is in order? One can feel that it may soon be Grace/Antonio/Nick/Sharon who are mixed up... I may continue this in the next episode; stay tuned.

Grace shows Nick her secret talent

Dialog about business is always so lame. Adam's interview with Ashley was a prime example of "zero exchange of information" followed by Jack patting himself on the back while chatting with Ash about how great Adam was. This is just parodying standard, pathetic business presentation.

That's all for Episode 8's morals. Don't miss Episode 9 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1996, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.