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Episode 124 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 124:

Will Jack succeed in rounding up the opposing numbers?

What is all this business about minority stockholders? What on earth does it matter what the minority stockholders say? My impression is that Victor is the majority stockholder of Newman Enterprises, so while it might be the case that the board can fire him as Chairman of the Board, it's also my impression that the majority stockholders (just Victor, I think) can fire the rest of the board. And so all this stuff Jack is doing seems a waste.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I sure wish they'd explain better.

The only thing I can think of that Jack could do that would affect things materially is go for a new cash influx, dilluting Victor's share to minority level. But I don't see him trying.

Will Sharon and Alice survive round one together?

"I have to say", I felt bad for Al. I had thought about this idea that he might have been framed, since it seemed like the only real out for rehabilitating him, and since he seems like too good a character not to rehabilitate. I'm glad this is being pursued.

But since Al was down on his luck, I thought it would be fun to put Nick in the same position--and I couldn't resist twisting the knife one more time on the issue of that stupid thing with Grace in Noah's room. It felt like it restored balance to the story--I hope you agree.

Will Nick and the rescue party round up Victor before his number is up?

It seemed really eerie to me when I heard that Joshua Morrow (Nick) had broken his leg in real life and they were going to have to work it into the script, just after Victor had broken his leg on the show. This seemed like the easy way to work Nick's injury into the show. I thought the excuse given on the show was--if you'll pardon the expression--lame.

Will having Meg around make it easier for Tony to make his numbers?

The whole business with the money on the show seems a setup for them to somehow lose it and have some awful storyline about how Meg and Tony are in trouble over money. But with Meg's dad as rich as he is, it seems like it'd be too easy for her to rescue them.

With Katherine not around, is Esther outnumbered?

As long as Katherine isn't around to make trouble for Jill, I feel someone should do it in Kay's stead. This story didn't come out really as good as I'd hoped, but it's the best I had time for at the time I wrote it. I hope you got at least a bit of humor from it.

I actually thought about having Kurt-with-a-K Kostner come back from his time on the road and heal Katherine. But it didn't really play in with this other plot, and I decided to let it go. So if you didn't like the story I did write, you can always imagine the one I didn't about her and Kurt.

That's all for Episode 124's morals. Don't miss Episode 125 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

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Copyright 1999, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.