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Episode 26 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 26:

Kurt Resolves to End Ashley's Concerns about Him

Well, what do you expect. Ashley is droning on and on in near Olivia-esque proportions. It's time for her to be put out of her misery. And then this apparent mobster appears on the scene. I just had to work the two plots together!

Joanie Prepares for Phyllis's Absence

There are several points being made here:

First, under no circumstances should Phyllis's character be recast. It belongs to Michelle Stafford and giving it to someone else is a great injustice. If there is someone else good enough to even compare, let her have her own character, so that if Phyllis returns we don't have to fight over who stays and who goes. I daresay the show could tolerate two such interesting characters at this point in its history.

Second, I realize that Michelle has had her last day of filming, so I made this work even without bringing her back. I'm sure there are other ways this could be done, but this will do. And the audience will surely tolerate something marginal to explain her exit if the benefit is that we'll retain the option to get her back another time.

Third, I'm still wondering what's up with Sasha and don't want to see her dropped. If Phyllis disappeared, however it is, Sasha could be involved in either tracking her down, or at minimum bringing any culprits to justice. In this way, we could transform Sasha back into a force for good and perhaps even help her mend fences with Phyllis in the long run, which could be good for all.

Finally, I'd like to see Joanie get a more meaty role, so having her go after Danny while Phyllis is away seems just about perfect--whether or not she actually caused Phyllis to disappear.

Dru Consults a Marriage Counselor

Well, of course, part of this is just me carrying through the theme of getting the best use out of `Vinnie'. But then, I'm really tired of Neil, too. So again, it just seemed like luck to me to have Vinnie's services at my fingertips.

Lynn Takes Office Tidying to Heart

This began by me wanting to do the extermination bit with The Bug and then being terribly dismayed that The Bug has no arch enemy. She really needs one. So I recruited Lynn for the role.

I think Lynn should take this as a serious charge to get more militant. She could rise to true greatness with an enormous fan following if she took on The Bug head-on, I think.

That's all for Episode 26's morals. Don't miss Episode 27 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1997, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.