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Episode 27 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 27:

Jack and Jill Tell Victor It Was No Big Deal

The main thing here is that no one is telling us what "the deal" was about. Business dialog on the show gets a little thin, but especially so when people can't even admit the subject matter of the business and always refer to it as "the product", "the company". (It's almost like everyone in the town is caught in some bad episode of The Prisoner!)

There's a secondary point being made here about the number of black leather jackets on the show, which is reaching near-toxic proportions. People on the newsgroup are starting to flag it with increasing frequency, and I thought by bringing it into the plot and explaining it off, it would relieve some of the tension. Well, something like that, anyway.

Nikki Plans Another Last-Minute Dinner

Nikki is always planning these last-minute events and dumping them on Miguel. And I've been struggling for ways to break Miguel out of his mold and give him a life. This is yet another attempt at that.

Besides, Miguel would probably look good in a black leather rescue jacket like the one Victor's always wearing. As long as the price was right.

Mary Lessens Pressure on Paul and Cricket

I'm forever trying to get the heat off of Paul and Cricket to have kids. More of them is not what this show needs. So this is just another in a series.

And, of course, anyone who's been following the news lately will know where the idea for this one came from (he says sheepishly). So this is just a sheep-shot (sorry, that's "cheap-shot") attempt at increased ratings by picking a topical theme. I'm not sure when `sweeps week' is for alternative plotline parodies, so I have to be always on guard just in case this is being read by some Nielson family somewhere.

That's all for Episode 27's morals. Don't miss Episode 28 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1997, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.