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Original posting of Episode 8:

Date: 7 Dec 96 06:39:57
From: kmp@harlequin.com (Kent Pitman)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.tv.soaps.cbs
Subject: Y&R: Another Way Out, episode 8
Message-ID: <KMP.96Dec7063957@romulus.harlequin.com>

"Another Way Out" takes plotline state at time of publication and shows that
there are interesting places right around the corner.  The goal, besides
having some fun with good-natured parody, is to challenge the notion that we
must be mired in certain tired plotlines for months just to have a good time.
There is always another way out...

   Archives of this and older episodes of "Another Way Out"
    as well as (**NEW**) the more serious "morals" that underly them,
    can be found at:  http://world.std.com/~pitman/awo/index.html

INSIDE...   * Sharon's first baby is once again a secret.
          * Phyllis shares her newfound secret.
        * Kurt learns Ashley's secret.
      * Kate learns Kurt's secret.
    * Paul and Cricket find secret clues.
  * A secret meeting attracts new blood.
* Grace shows Nick her secret talent.
                                       (Shhhh. Today's theme is a secret.)
ANOTHER WAY OUT, Episode 8, 07-Dec-96   by Kent Pitman (kmp@harlequin.com)

It's Nick and Sharon's humble abode.  Sharon rubs her belly for the
n-thousandth time.  "Isn't it amazing?" Sharon says.  Nick nods excitedly.
"Preganancy is awesome."  They smile uselessly for a while longer.  Sharon
finally breaks the silence.  "I can't wait for it to be born--they say the
experience is truly unforgettable."  "I thought this was your second baby,"
Nick says, perplexed.  "Oh yeah," Sharon replies, "I forgot."

Kurt-with-a-K Kostner is in the hospital, coming to.  Ashley is there to
soothe him.  "Are you the one I saved?" he asks weakly.  "You look
different..."  "I'm bruised up from the fight," she says. "No, it's more than
that."  "Oh," she frowns.  "It shows then?"  "What?" he asks.  "Well, while I
was covered with bruises, I got plastic surgery to straighten my eyes.  I
figured no one would notice a few extra scars."  "Yes, that's it!  The eyes.
Well, it does look better."  She blushes.  "Thanks."  She kisses his forehead
and says, "Now rest."  and she walks out.

The camera moves down the hall to the hospital chapel.  Danny enters to find
Phyllis.  The room is full of people, quietly praying.  Phyllis stands off to
one side, pacing.  "Phyllis, what are you doing here?  I've been looking all
over.  Little Danny is all well.  You don't have to pray any more.  Don't you
remember?"  "Of course I remember, Danny.  But I was so impressed with this
praying thing, I've decided to bring the good word to others.  Look!"  She
shows him a trayful of money.  "Offerings?" he asks, surprised.  "What's an
offering?" she mutters, perplexed.  "No," she continues, "those are admission
revenues, Danny!  I'm charging $100 a person.  Pretty cheap when you consider
the value of a human life, don't you think?  All I did was post a sign telling
people they could learn how to pray and that their loved ones would get
better.  A lot of people have come--the idea seems to have some sort of
universal attraction.  Isn't this exciting?  We're going to be rich, and lots
of lives will be saved!!"  "Phyllis!" he says with a look of frustration,
"It--it doesn't work that way.  You can't just tell people prayer will fix
their problems."  "Why not?  It fixed mine.  Are you saying prayer had nothing
to do with it?"  Danny fumes. "No, I'm not saying that.  Oh, Phyllis,..." The
lights fade and (you will gradually realize after a few weeks) the plotline
has been completely dropped forever with no further mention because the writer
has boxed himself into a corner and sees nothing further to do with it.

Determined to help make fullest use of the hospital sets while they are set
up, Katherine enters Kurts hospital room.  "So you just couldn't leave Genoa
City," she jokes.  He smiles feebly.  "I suppose I should tell you why I
really came here," he says.  "You aren't just a casual drifter?" she says with
surprise.  "No," he says with considerable effort, "I'm a man without a past.
Some years ago, I think, I woke up in my car, which had driven off the road.
I can't remember what came before that.  A man was going through my things--he
stole my wallet and ran off, so I don't know my name..."  He slumps back into

Grace is at the Crimson Lights cutting a photo of Nick and Sharon in half.
Antonio enters and she sweeps the scissors and the picture of Sharon under her
coffee setting.  "Antonio." she says, unenthused.  "Hey, gray-Ceee.." he
responds in his best Sylvester Stallone impression.  "How's about you's and
me--" She bristles.  "Thanks, but no thanks, Antonio.  I have an appointment."
She starts to get up.  The phone rings in the distance and someone says, "Is
there a Grace Turner here?"  She goes to the phone.  It is the famous mystery
caller.  "You are invited to a very special gathering..." the voice says, as
we break for commercial.

After commercial, the scene is the same, but Grace is gone and Antonio is
being called to the phone.  Paul and Cricket enter.  "I still don't understand
why you insist on having lunch at this juvenile hangout," Paul asks.  "I don't
know either," Cricket explains, "but something told me I should."  They sit at
Grace's ex-table, where the dishes are being cleared.  "Paul, look!" Cricket
says excitedly.  "It's a clue."  She points to the scissors and the photograph
of Sharon.  "You're right, Chris.  Someone is obviously out to stab Sharon
with a pair of scissors."  "No, Paul, it's not that.  The scissors have a
rounded end.  I suspect they'll use a gun instead.  And obviously it's the
other half of the picture who's the target.  The killer wouldn't have left his
target's photo behind.  It's clearly someone who wants to get to Sharon by
murdering Nicholas Newman.  That means it must be a man.  Bartender!"  Jake
comes over.  "Was there a man sitting here before us?"  Jake nods.  "Some guy
named Antonio.  He's been stalking Grace Turner."  Paul nods.  "These guys are
never satisfied long by just one focus.  He must be about to move on to a new
one.  Thanks, bartender.  You've been very helpful."  They march out 
purposefully, ready to save the day.

Katherine is still at the hospital with the drifter, who has drifted off.  He
opens his eyes again.  "You were saying something about an accident, and a man
stealing your things."  "Yes," continues Kurt, "he spoke to me, babbling.  He
said something like ``I saw what you did.  I know it was your fault.  You
better not come after me, or I'll tell.''  I didn't know what he was talking
about.  But later I saw that down the road a ways, there had been another
accident--one I must have caused.  It was your son.  The papers said it was
all his fault--that he'd been drinking.  I'm not so sure.  Maybe I caused it,
but I don't remember.  I think I was drunk, too...  I'm haunted by the
screeching sounds ... I came to your house to see, to see what remained
after--that."  Kurt is exhausted and slips back into sleep, leaving Kay to
ponder whether to love or hate him.

Grace enters Nick's office.  "Hi" he says with sudden excitement, "I was just
about to come looking for you."  "For me?" she asks, and he nods.  "Yes,
but--ladies first," he says.  "Well,... I was just noticing that the Jabot
board is short one person now that Adam has left to rejoin the oil industry,
so I thought maybe--" Nick smiles, "This is PERFECT!  Sharon's been saying how
she's worried you have too much free time on your hands... With this change,
you'd be spending all your time here at work where I could keep an eye on you,
and Sharon wouldn't have to worry about you any more."  She smiles happily.
"Oh, Nicholas, thank you!"  "Well," he responds modestly, "it's not a done
deal yet.  I still have to talk to my dad.  But I'm sure I'll think of
something that will convince him."  "How about telling him the position is
open and should be filled, and then pointing out that I'm the latest rising
star, coming up from the mail room to marketing, and that I have yet to
achieve my full potential."  "Excellent!  See, I knew you were qualified for
the job.  You're really good at this business stuff.  I'll tell him just that.
I'm sure it'll be no problem."