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Episode 68 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 68:

Sharon's Case

First up: ``I wonder where he or she is. ... I miss him or her.'' Ugh. I side with Nicholas on this one. These stupid "he or she" and "him or her" pronoun things have got to go.

Also, we apparently just found out that Phyllis is some sort of computer wiz? Why then, when she went to Malcolm's studio to apply for a job, was she going to take a secretarial position? Should she not have said something like "I'm a high tech person and this is demeaning?" Or is it because she was a woman that it was ok to try to pigeon-hole her into something menial as if her important computer-wiz skills didn't matter.

This episode is mostly just a way of distracting myself from the utter inanity of so many active plotlines right now. I don't even know why I'm bothering since Cassie has declared herself perfectly at home with Grace. But I just can't stand to accept that, I guess.

That's all for Episode 68's morals. Don't miss Episode 69 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1997, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.