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Episode 63 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 63:

Family Matters

Before I say anything substantive here, let me first mention that if the part about Dark_Lady didn't make sense, you're way behind in your reading! You need to read Episodes 48-51 immediately! Then come back here.

Well, it's probably obvious the intent here was really just to `mix it up'. I'm getting really tired of the same old standard pairings, and so I thought it'd be fun to get Nina, Ryan, and Trisha on to some new people.

Tuulia Fuller gets the credit for pushing idea me to do Nina with Keith; always nice when my readers have good suggestions like that. Makes me wonder why the writers of the show don't pay [more?] attention to the numerous high quality suggestions going back and forth on the newsgroup all the time.

There's certainly also a conflict coming up because I think Neil's about to find out he's not Lily's father, but Bill Bell has promised us the Malcolm/Dru thing never happened, so it should be interesting to see how the birth of Lily is explained. Something's going to have to give.

I also think it'd be fun to show stupid old overly conservative Keith that some things might be worse than Ryan and his daughter dating, and so the black thing seemed a fun way to bring the racist tendancies I've hypothesized for him back into play. Seeing Trisha force the reality of a black boyfriend on Keith would be great. Also, seeing Neil do something that is not pretty boy perfect would also be a relief--he's starting to be as annoying as Olivia and Cricket for as faultless as he's ever allowed to be, and it gets boring. He needs to take a desperate risk and find himself both nervous and excited about something for once! Having Trisha accept Neil as just a normal guy while her father was flipping out over him would provide a wonderful opportunity for social commentary.

As for Jill and Ryan, I'm still bothered how of late Jill has forgotten that she herself used to chase Ryan, so I thought it'd be fun to get them back together, and even more interesting if this time it was Ryan's doing rather than Jill's. Jill is vulnerable, and Keith recently has been not very nice to her, so it seemed a perfect time.

And then we come to Nina. I just couldn't believe she let Cricket come in and do the holier-than-thou ``I'm not leaving until you write something'' routine on the show yesterday. I was just sitting there saying, ``I wonder what she's writing. I bet it's about Cricket. I bet it's not nice.'' So, having this platform for working through these little thoughts of mine, I figured I'd indulge myself a little. I found it very satisfying to write what I thought Nina should have--I hope others enjoyed reading it.

And finally there's Megan. I just didn't know what to do with her. She's living in a house full of looneys, both in this episode and on the show. I guess the reason I sent her back to Victor at the end here is that I could just imagine Keith's frustration when he realized he can't try to get Megan's boyfriend fired the way he tried do with Trisha's.

That's all for Episode 63's morals. Don't miss Episode 64 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1997, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.