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Episode 135 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 135:

How will Sharon react to Nick's ongoig imprisonment?

Ok, we get the point. She's going to cry a lot. (My girlfriend Stephanie pleaded for this particular treatment of their monotonous condition. Seemed like a good idea, so I ran with it.)

Will Raul continue to feel under the weather?

Again, let's move it along. He's obviously hurting and has been for a while. We get the point. Let's see some consequence. This plot on my part was just to point out that by now someone should have noticed.

Will Trisha finally figure out how to get Carter's juices flowing?

I was actually extremely surprised that Trisha had the good sense to figure out the problem with the pills. My naive reaction was that she'd take Carter at his word and just think he was forgetting to take them. It seemed worth writing a story around--I hope you agree.

As for the Tourets--well, geez, I hope someone else has a better explanation for why Carter is so careless about talking in front of Trisha, when he has such low respect for her sense of judgment.

Can Mac learn to go with the flow of Britanny's paranoia?

I really think this plot would be better if Mac would, instead of just waiting for something to happen, take a more active role. I liked it a lot when she took over CleanQueen's chat account and was actively influencing things, but that's been dropped. This plot I cooked up was sort of vagely inspired by the TV show Perry Mason and the movie Gaslight (a good classic thriller worth a watch if you've not seen it).

Anyway, it really troubles me that Mac has enough information to know that she wants Billy and Billy wants her, and to know that she is the only person in possession of this full knowledge, yet she still doesn't act on it. Perhaps she's had some unmentioned chat with her Dad, where he's convinced her to leave everything in "The Lord's" hands. But if not that, I just can't figure her out.

I guess the writers are focusing too much now on trying to set up the Mac/JT thing so that when she ends up with Billy, she can pine for JT. I suppose it's inevitable. What she liked about Billy was that he was a diamond in the rough and that she was able to polish him. I think she sees the same in JT. But geez, how about just giving us the satisfaction of enjoying a victory and seeing the two together instead of just always teasing us. If we think there will never be any happiness, what is there to look forward to?

That's all for Episode 135's morals. Don't miss Episode 136 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 2001, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.