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Episode 134 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 134:

Will Phyllis play the heavy in her relationship with Jack?

I was pleased to see Phyllis come clean with Jack about what people were forcing her into. But I was disappointed in Jack for not owning up to being under similar pressure. I think a plot something like what I proposed here, where the two of them stand in the middle and just manipulate both companies would be more fun than the present situation where Jack has done this bad thing that is really inconsistent with his character and then we have to wait for it to play out in excruciating detail. It's not the kind of unrealism like "this couldn't happen to someone"--it's just like "I can't believe Jack did it this way. It seems contrived."

Can Carter avoid being incriminated by Mark's testimony?

The evidence was weak to begin with, but having Mark Hanson drive it home seems silly. I didn't believe that drug buy scene when it happened, Carter was manipulating it so heavily. I can't believe anyone else believed it. I can't believe it would hold up under any realistic cross examination.

Will the court condemn Nick for being ever dense?

No serious point here, other than that for as much as I think this plot is stupidly constructed in some ways, it is fun to watch Nick go out of control. I think Nick is, as a character, at his best when he's exaggerated in some way, usually for humorous effect.

That's all for Episode 134's morals. Don't miss Episode 135 and its morals!
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Copyright 2001, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.