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Episode 106 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 106:

Will Tracy's excuse for missing Cole's wedding be too far out?

This thing about Tracy being on safari is an incidence of something that really bothers me about the writing--someone just making an instant excuse with no foundation. It's not like these plot situations spring upon one with no notice. It would be so much better if they would have just taken the time out a few days before to say, ``Gee, we're going to have to explain Tracy's absence at the wedding--let's have someone get a postcard from her.'' That way, when this completely inane, out-of-nowhere excuse happened, we wouldn't be left reeling. We could say "Ah, yes, I understand." The farther in advance, the more it shows the show is really well-planned.

If Nikki attends Cole's wedding, will she be properly restrained?

I've been thinking about the way Nikki gets when she thinks about Sarah. She seems almsot crazy to me. It occurred to me that there's half a chance that when she finally realizes what's going on, no one will believe her because of the crazed look in her eye--so I thought I'd set that up and see how it plays. Maybe the part at the end with the guys in the white suits is a little off the deep end, but the basic idea of her being taken as confused felt pretty right to me.

And just as an aside, why was Nikki giving Victoria static about crashing Cole's wedding? Didn't she do the same to Victor and Diane's? Like mother, like daughter.

Will Nick accept a gift he is offered with grace?

It was fun to see Grace trick Nick into taking the concert tickets, but given that this kind of `logic' works for him, it seemed to me she could have pushed it further to see how far Nick would go. Ok, maybe he wouldn't have gotten tripped up by this one. But then again, he is pretty darned dumb.

Will Cole latch onto Saronica's plot?

Cole keeps saying he's going to do this story. But he gives no hint that he has any thought at all about what it's about. He's so fixated about the thing, and yet every time he mentions it, he says the identical little phrase. It occurred to me that it might be a blank slate and that that would be an opportunity to manipulate him.

I like the Veronica character a lot, and would like to see her escape judgment.

Also, did I mention it's getting just incredibly irritating to hear Cole call everything ``incredible'' all the time? I have? Well, that's just incredible, now, isn't it? And isn't it just incredible that it's worth repeating myself again here so soon. I thumbed through a book in the book store the other day and my eye somehow caught on a certain piece of advice. It's weird what you'll notice out of the corner of your eye in such a situation. Now, I actually think it was a book on how to write for children, but this particular piece of advice seemed to transcend the ages: It suggested not using words like ``incredible'' and ``amazing'' and so on at all, or saving them for extreme situations like describing things like nuclear blasts. I think the point was that after a while, if you use them all the time, it dulls the senses and no longer has the impact you want. Is that an incredible piece of advice or what? It's just so incredibly apropos to our situation here in this incredible show we love so incredibly much.

That's all for Episode 106's morals. Don't miss Episode 107 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1998, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.