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Original posting of Episode 61:

Date: 01 Sep 1997 11:03:30 -0400
From: pitman@anotherwayout.com (Kent M Pitman)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.tv.soaps.cbs
Subject: Y&R: AWO#61: "Write of Passage"
Message-ID: <sfw4t85gjp9.fsf@world.std.com>

              Sorry there's no Y&R today due to Tennis.
      Hope this extra-long holiday episode keeps you entertained!

INSIDE... * Will Ashley learn to read Cole's romantic intentions?
        * Will Lynn finally spell out her feelings for Paul?
      * Are Nina and Trish closing the book on Ryan,
         or just starting a new chapter?

ANOTHER WAY OUT, Episode 61, 01-Sep-97 by Kent Pitman (kmp@harlequin.com)

                         "Write of Passage"

"I've really been enjoying the way you're opened up to me," Cole says to
Ashley as they enter the Tack Estate wearing horseback riding garb.  "Well,"
says Ashley ambiguously, "it's quite a rush trying to keep up with you," she
says.  "That was quite a ride we just had."  He smiles.  "There's just one
thing I have to ask--" Cole says.  Ashley says, "Okaayyyy....." "It's
personal," Cole says.  "All the better," Ashley says, wishing he'd move things
along.  "Well, you asked for it: Ashley, will you marry me?" Cole says all of
a sudden.  Ashley gasps.  "But---aren't you already married?  To Victoria?"
Cole looks at her surprised.  "I thought you'd heard--" he says.  "Heard what?"
Ashley says (in synch with all the home viewers, who haven't heard either).
"Mah wife," he says, "she--well, WE--got a divorce.  Over a year ago.  I 
thought I'd notified everyone."  Cole snaps his fingers and Edward appears
from some back room of the Tack Estate.  "Edward--why wasn't Ashley notified 
when I divorced my wife?"  Edward thinks for a moment.  "You remember, sir.
We ran short of stamps--several people weren't notified."  "Ah, that's right,"
Cole says, happy with the explanation.  "Will there be anything else, sir?"
Edward asks.  "Nope, that'll be all Edward.  Man, I don't know what I'd do
around here without you--you've been such a steadfast member of the family
for so long."  "Thank you, sir," Edward says, exiting.

"So you've got a servant," Ashley says.  Cole shakes his head.  "Better."
"Better than a servant?  What could that be?"  "Better is the source.  Come
here."  He takes her to the edge of the set and they peek around the wall.
"See that man over there?" Cole asks.  "The one desperately penning away
something onto his notepad?" Ashley asks.  Cole nods.  "That's Bill Bell.
He writes the words we speak."  "Cole, I think I'm having a religious 
experience," Ashley says.  "I know--it fried me the first time I saw him, 
too.  But the point is--I used to think the Universe was pre-determined and
that nothing could ever change what was destined."  "And it's not?"  "Well,
it is--but not nearly as far in advance as I thought.  I figured maybe 
sometime around the start of the Universe, things were set in motion and 
could never be changed.  But if you watch, you'll see that stuff goes 
straight from that man's pad to the teleprompter--with maybe a five minute
delay.  So if we need a butler--poof.  We have a butler.  It's great." 

Cole says to Ashley, "You remember that ``just-in-time inventory'' concept you
were talking about Jabot using?  Well, this is ``just-in-time reality''.  Want
a demonstration?"  She nods.  "Sure--blow me away."  "OK--but don't say I
didn't warn you."  The man tears off a sheet from his notepad and hands it to
someone who takes it to the teleprompter.  "That's it?" she says.  Cole says,
"You don't feel any different?"  She shakes her head.  "No, I feel just the
same.  I thought it was going to be something exciting like last night when we
made love."  "Ah!  See!  A minute ago, we hadn't ever made love."  "Are you
sure?  The memory seems so real to me.  Now that was exciting!"  "No, Ashley,
I'm tellin' ya--two minutes ago, we had not made love.  But when that script
change went to the teleprompter--reality was changed."  Ashley looks amazed.
"Wow--well, next time tell him to put it in the future so I can enjoy actually
doing it instead of just having a fond memory."  "I agree completely.  I once
had a torrid night of sex with Nina popped on me after-the-fact and I'm still
trying to reconcile that.  Not only did I not get to enjoy the experience, I
can't even figure out where I found time for it.  But there's the memory, all
the same."  

                                    * * *

It's late evening and Mary arrives to visit Paul at his office.  She knocks
and peeks in.  "Mom!" he says.  "Hello, son," she says, closing the door
behind her and coming to his desk to receive her obligatory hug and kiss.
Once properly validated as a good mother, she steps back and lets him query
her about why she's arrived.  "What brings you by, Mom?"  "Well, I just wanted
to see how you were doing..."  He looks at his watch.  "Mom, it's ten
o'clock--what made you think I was here?"  "Well, your wife is working on
Danny Romalotti's case, isn't she?  I figured she'd be putting every effort
into that and leaving you completely neglected."  Paul frowns, knowing this
adequately sums up the situation but not wanting to give his mother the green
light to meddle freely.  "So what's your point, Mom?"  "Well, I'm just worried
about you, Paul... I hear on the grapevine that you've been fighting a lot
with Chris over this court case that's going on."  "On the grapevine?  Mom,
what kind of surveillance equipment do they use at your church group anyway?"
"Well, Paul, you know a mother can't always depend on even the best of her
offspring to send letters and cards as often as they should."  "But Mom, all
of the arguments we've had have been here in the privacy of ..." He pauses,
then says, "Lynn."

"Mom, it was Lynn who told you Chris and I were fighting, wasn't it?" Paul
asks.  "Well, not exactly--at least, not intentionally."  "Come on, Mom.
You've been caught--'fess up."  She is quiet for a few moments and then says,
"Well, ... you know about the new U.N.C.L.E.S. organization I belong to..."
Paul thinks for a moment.  "Oh, right.  The--uh--United Netizens for Chat Line
Evangelism and Safety?" "That's right.  The ladies in the group take turns a
few hours a week--lurking in Internet chat rooms and making sure that children
aren't being kidnapped or abused.  That sort of thing..."  "And what does that
have to do with me?  Surely, Chris and my actions aren't a hot topic on the
nation's chat rooms."  "Weellll..." Mary says, "You might be surprised what
kinds of things people talk about in chat rooms."  "Oh really?  Maybe I should
hang out in a chat room instead of a lonely old car all night when I'm out
doing surveillance on someone...."  "Maybe you should, Paul.  You just never
know who you're going to run into and what they might tell you--especially if
they don't know that you're their boss's mother."  "Lynn?  Lynn's been talking
about Chris and me on the chat rooms?"  "She has.  Of course, everyone uses a
made-up name, so it took me a while to realize it.  But adoration like Lynn's
is hard to disguise... and, of course, she knew your vital statistics..."
"She what?"  "Well, Paul, she has had a lot of time to study you--you should
take it as a compliment.  And, anyway, the point is that she's very, very
depressed."  "Depressed?"  "Yes, depressed.  At how badly Chris is treating
you--spending all this time on her ex-husband.  Oh, son--Lynn loves you so
much and she wants so dearly to find a way to help you, but she just doesn't
know what to do.  I'm afraid if she doesn't find a way to ... to reach out to
you ... that she may try to do something rash."

"But Mom," Paul says.  "I've tried many times over the years to get interested
in Lynn. You've suggested it more than once, you know.  But she's so...
boring."  "Well, Paul, ... that may be.  But could she be a lot more boring
than a night at home alone without your wife?  And the other thing is--well,--
online you may find that she's a little different.  Except for this
depression, I'd say it's done wonders for her.  She's really... come out."
"And on the basis of all of this, you think I should what--take her out?"
"I've got a better idea, Paul.  Why don't you come by my house tomorrow and
you can meet her in a new light..."

Paul is at Mary's the next evening.  Mary is typing away at the keyboard.
Suddenly she stands and says, "Ok, sit right down--I've got it all set up."
Paul sits and looks at the screen.  "What's this about Dom Women in Leather?"
"That's just the room name.  Ignore that.  Just say 'hello'."  Paul types
'hello'.  "Who's NerfSurfer?  Is that Lynn?"  Mary sighs.  "Oh, is he there?
He's such a dweeb.  Here, I have a macro for dealing with him."  She punches
F3 and looks satisfied at the result.  "What about SpikeGoddess?" Paul asks.
"That's Lynn."  "She says 'hi, pd'.  Who's she talking to?" "She's talking to
you.  Private--oh, never mind.  The point is I picked a name she was sure to
be attracted to.  She doesn't know it's you, though."  Paul shakes his head.
"I don't know, Mom.  This feels really weird."  "What should I say?"  "Ask her
what she likes," Mary says, sitting on the couch.  Paul types.  There's a
pause.  Mary gets up see what Lynn is saying.  "Mooommm! I need some privacy
here."  Mary goes back to the couch.  Paul looks back at the screen.  "Wow,"
he mutters.  He types some more.  "Who's RL?" Paul asks.  "She wants to meet
him."  "He's not a him--he's a place.  Real Life.  She wants to meet YOU in
real life."  "That's amazing.  And this happens all the time?"  Mary nods.
"Especially to 8-year-olds.  That's why we U.N.C.L.E.S. are there.  But I've
never seen Lynn ask someone to meet before. You must have really pushed the
right buttons."

Gina's, late at night. Paul enters wearing a red carnation.  "I'm meeting
someone," he tells Gina.  "I'll send Chris over when she arrives."  "No, it's
not Chris.  It's my secretary Lynn--but don't let on you know who she's
meeting.  She'll probably just ask for a gentleman with a red carnation."
Gina raises an eyebrow.  "It's just a little detective joke, Gina."  Gina,
looking mildly relieved, seats Paul at a remote table.  When she returns to
her stand, Lynn is waiting.  "I'm here for--" "The mystery gentleman, I
assume," Gina says.  Lynn looks surprised and a little nervous.  "That's
right.  Is he...?"  Gina laughs.  "Safe?  I think so..."  She leads Lynn to
the table with Paul.  "Boss?" Lynn asks, stunned.  Paul nods to Gina, who
leaves them, then says, "Hi, Lynn.  Glad you agreed to join me on such short
notice."  Lynn looks elated.  "You knew it was me?  You're not disappointed?"
Paul shakes his head.  "Disappointed?  Are you kidding?  You know how bored
I've been at night with Chris out working on Danny's case.  It was a very
intriguing conversation--and I had no idea you felt the way you did about some
of our office furniture.  I really think you're going to enjoy the undercover
assignment I've got planned for you."

                                    * * *

It's the following Monday night.  It's late and everything is very dark when
Ashley stops by the Tack Estate.  She raps on the door and tries to get a look
in the window.  "Cole?" she says.  A sleepy Cole comes to the door.  "Ashley!
Hi, I didn't expect you tonight."  "Oh," Ashley says, mildly discouraged.
Then she holds up a couple bottles of perfume.  "What's this?" he asks.  "Just
wanted to get my two scents in on the latest draft of your book," she says
with a giggle.  He groans.  "Sorry," she says.  "It's a common joke in the
industry--but I thought you might not have heard it."  Cole shakes his head.
"That's almost as bad as that quote from you we put on the back cover of my
book."  Ashley says, "Oh, where I said `i was happy to find a book written by
a man about women that didn't stink'?"  Cole nods.

"Wait a minute," Ashley says to Cole.  "You used that on the book?  Your book
is published already?"  "Well, Ashley, don't you remember when you came by the
other night I mentioned I had 50 best-sellers?"  Ashley nods.  "Of course, I
do, Cole.  Everyone knows you're one of the world's foremost novelists."
"Well, I've only been writing for about two years, you knew that right?"  "Uh
huh," she says.  "So... can you do the math?"  Ashley thinks for a moment and
then says "Uh oh."  Cole nods and confirms it for her: "That means a new book
every two weeks.  The book about you is already on the newstands and I'm on to
the next one."  "And it's not about me, is it?"  she asks, scrunching up her
nose in dismay. "Nope--I'm afraid not."  A woman's voice calls from inside,
"Cole?  Is everything ok?"  Cole calls back, "It's fine.  I'll just be another
minute."  Ashley peers in the window.  "That looks like Sharon Collins' mother
Doris!"  she says.  Cole blushes.  "Well, I'm doing a book about a woman who
overcomes a handicap caused by a car accident and becomes a famous lawyer..."
[Author's note: See episodes 32, 37, and 38 for more on Doris as a lawyer.]

"Well," huffs Ashley.  "I guess I don't have to stand around here to find out
how this ends up.  I'll just read about it in the bookstore next week!"
Ashley walks offstage and then returns a few moments later. Cole asks, "What
was that all about?"  "Just making sure the stuff about our night of
passionate sex got properly erased."  "What night of passionate sex?" Cole
asks.  Ashley gets a sudden look of understanding on her face.  "Oh, now I
understand why he said he wouldn't have to erase anything."  She shakes her
head and mutters "Men!" as she storms off.

                                    * * *

Nina follows Ryan to Jabot and stands hiding behind a planter as she sees him
stop at a table where Victoria is already eating lunch.  "Hi, Stranger,"
Victoria says.  "Hi, Vikki, I thought you were gone to Europe for 6 months,"
he says.  "Well, I was, but I came back for a brief visit," she explains.
"Mind if I sit down?" Ryan asks.  "Well, I don't know.  Aren't you a Vice
President now?  Don't you have to sit with the Vice Presidents?" Victoria
teases.  "I'm slumming it today--do you mind?" he asks.  "No, go ahead," she
says as he starts to sit.  Then she asks, "So what's up with you and Nina?"
"I guess you've heard the office gossip?"  "That you're hot for someone who's
practically jail bait?  That you've abandoned your son and are separated from
your wife?  No, not really--I mostly don't keep up on office gossip," she
says.  "Well, your gossip is a little sensationalized--but I'm supposed to be
spending this month trying to reconcile..."  "Supposed to be?"  "Well, we're
not having an easy time of it.  And Nina has been doing all sorts of mean
things to Trish..."  "Trish?  Trish Dennison?  That's the young girl you're
after?"  "Woman--she IS 21.  But yeah, that's her."  "Wow, when I backed off
you really got desperate, didn't you?"  "It isn't like that, Vikki."  "Oh,
Ryan, come on--we used to be married.  I know your drives.  I know what you're
about."  "Listen, Vikki, about those drives.  Things aren't going so well with
my wife, but I don't want to get Trisha's hopes up, and I was wondering if you
and I could--" 

Vikki laughs.  "Are you propositioning me, Ryan?"  "Well, it's little more
than you've done to me on other occasions."  "Maybe not--but I'm afraid I
really have to get back to Europe and can't spare the time to `rescue' you...
Maybe Jill could help?"  "Jill?"  "Sure, she's been hot for you ever since
forever--have you never noticed?"  "But she's been working so hard to get me
back with Nina..."  "Are you kidding?  Jill doesn't even like Nina.  She
probably just wants to make sure her conscience is clear before moving in for
the kill.  Trust me, Ryan.  She's hot for you--go for it.  I hear older women
have lots of ...  useful experience."  Ryan smiles.  "Ok, well, thanks for the
idea--hey, what's up with your husband, anyway?"  "My husband?" "Cole?"  "Oh.
Him.  I don't really know... I'm staying in the Genoa City Hotel while the
divorce goes through.  I never did like the smell of that stable he lives in
anyway.  Too close to all those horses.  But if you want to know what's up
with him, I suppose you should just read his book-of-the-week..."  Ryan nods.
"I'm sorry for you, Vikki.  Any idea when it'll all be over?"  "Not in time
for your...  immediate needs," she giggles.  "All that lawyer stuff is really
dragging on."  Ryan sighs.  "Well, send me a postcard from Europe."  "A dirty
postcard?  One of those statues of naked ladies in case you and Jill don't--"
"Just a postcard.  To let me know you're ok."  "Thanks Ryan.  You take care,
too."  They kiss.

In the hallway behind the plant, Nina sees the kiss between Ryan and Vikki,
confirming her worst suspicions.  Then, as Ryan starts to get up, Nina
realizes she might be seen as he walks down the hall so she darts behind some
file cabinets.  "Ow!" says a voice as she bumps into someone. "Oh, sorry,"
Nina says, embarrassed.  Then Nina realizes it's Trisha she's run into.  "You!
What are you doing here?" Nina asks.  Trish is quick to reply: "Same as you--I
wanted to see who he was eating with.  I expected it was you."  "And I
thought--shhhh," Nina says, interrupting herself as Ryan approaches.  When he
has passed, she continues: "I thought it was you."  Ryan has entered an
elevator and the indicator above the door shows that it has gone to the 5th
floor.  Nina points to the indicator and says, "5th.  He's going to see,
Jill."  "I guess he has to work sometime," Trish says.  "Look at us," Nina
says, coming out from behind the cabinets.  "We're a pretty ridiculous pair,
aren't we?"  Trish emerges, too.  "Yeah, I feel so guilty doing this stalking
thing--especially after what those paparazzi did to Princess Di this weekend."
Nina starts to tear up.  "Oh, you had to mention that.  I cried for hours
about that."  Trish, also starting to cry, pulls out a huge wad of Kleenex and
shares them to Nina.  "Me, too.  And I kept wondering if one day I'd end up
doing the same to Ryan if I kept following him around.  I don't even know why
I keep following him--he hasn't treated me that well lately."  "Or me," Nina
admits.  They each take a moment to mop their tears.  "Hey," says Nina.  "Do
you want to go get some coffee or something?"  Trisha looks up at her.
"Really?  I'd love to, actually." she says, her eyes now soaked with tears but
her face forcing a smile through it all.

Later, at Nina's house, Trish and Nina are sitting on the couch sipping coffee
when Phillip enters from school.  "Hi, Mom."  "Phillip, this is Trisha."
Phillip stops, stunned.  "You're the one that Dad is... uh,..." Trisha nods.
"Yeah, that's me.  Except it's over between me and Ryan.  Your mother and I
have made a pact--neither of us is going to give him what he wants."  "Cool!"
Phillip says.  "Dad's been acting really bad lately--he deserves to get left
out in the cold for a while."  Phillip thinks for a minute and then stands up
straight and says, "How do you feel about younger men?"  Trisha looks at him
uncertainly.  "How much younger?"  "Well, like me."  "Phillip!" Nina chides
him, more surprised than angry.  "That's pretty young."  "Hey, no fair,"
Phillip says.  "I bet there's less age difference between me and you than
between dad and you."  "Well," says Trisha, "that may be, but you're still a
little young to be hitting the dating scene."  Phillip looks sad for a moment,
but you can tell he's still plotting.  "Well, what about being my mom?"  Nina
looks indignant.  "Phillip, you have a mom."  "But it's very cool these days
to have two moms.  These are the 90's.  She's a babe, Mom.  Are you going to
let her get away just because she's a woman?  That'll leave her free for
Dad..."  Nina looks at Trish very tentatively with fresh eyes.  Trish looks
back, obviously slightly intrigued and says, "I am kind of tired of being
mistreated by guys... it might be a good change for me."  "Then she can stay?
I can have a whole family again?" Phillip says, excited.  Nina looks to Trisha
for confirmation.  Trisha says, "I'll have to ask my Dad."  Nina looks
surprised.  "Ryan told me you were old enough to--" "Oh, I am.  But I don't
want to jeopardize my inheritance.  You know..."  Nina nods.  "Oh yeah, do I
ever.  Ok.  We'll be waiting to hear."

Trisha is with Megan, who has obviously been told.  "Are you CRAZY, Trish?  He
is going to FLIP OUT!  Dad will NEVER accept this."  Keith enters and says,
"Hey, what are my girls fighting about here.  What am I not going to accept?
I can be a pretty understanding guy."  Megan crosses her arms and cocks her
head slightly to the side, giving Trish the "ok, you're so smart, you tell
him" look.  Trish takes a breath and says, "Dad, I've found someone else and I
just wanted to find out if you'd approve..."  "Trisha, you know I trust you to
make good judgments about character."  "Yes, but you didn't think that about
Ryan."  "Well, Ryan, was an especially bad choice. Ok, I'll put it to you
simply--is this new love of yours a married man?"  Trish trades amused looks
with Megan and then says, "No..." Megan is already upset because she knows
she's lost on a technicality, but like a good sib, she doesn't say anything.
"Then I approve," Keith says.  "Oh, Daddy.  You're the greatest," Trish says.
Then she adds, "Well, I've got to get packed."  Keith stops her.  "Wait a
minute.  Love is one thing--moving in with a man is another--especially if
you're not married."  "Oh, don't worry, Daddy. I'm not doing that!  I just
need to get out of here and a girlfriend of mine said she'd take me in."
Keith smiles.  "That's my girl.  Well, you have fun then and don't be a

         Copyright 1997 Kent M. Pitman.  All Rights Reserved.

"Another Way Out" takes plotline state at time of publication and shows that
there are interesting places right around the corner.  The goal, besides
having some fun with good-natured parody, is to challenge the notion that we
must be mired in certain tired plotlines for months just to have a good time.
There is always another way out...

   Archives of this and older episodes of "Another Way Out"
    as well as the more serious "morals" that underly them,
    can be found at:  http://world.std.com/~pitman/awo/index.html

   Don't forget to try the "character index" and "ratings index"!