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Episode 71 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 71:

Will Neil finally get what's coming to him?

I'm so tired of these four in their own private little ecology. There's not much here other than just another attempt to perturb things for the sake of idle amusement. But my real gripe is that there really is nothing that can happen in this plotline as it currently stands. Dull city.

Will Diane reap what Victor has sewn?

It's time for Diane to start to take hold and plot her way out of the hellish prison she's constructed for herself. And no, it won't hurt if she takes down Newman Enterprises in the process. One can't do that all in one episode, but don't be surprised if I return to this one.

I also think it would complicate things interestingly if Jack were already busy with someone so he can't just take Diane back. Since I'd already put Jack and Victoria in the previous episode, I decided to play on that. Maybe I'll do more with this, too.

And this would finally be a chance to get Jill working on something so she doesn't have to play in the background. She really is a good actress and needs to be out front sparring with people, not just playing the good wife to Keith and mother to--uh,--where'd he go anyway? Oh well. Forget the mother part--at least until we can remember where we left little Billy.

Oh, and about those leather things... Well, what can I say? I'm just assuming they'll follow the way of leather jackets and soon everyone will be wearing them! You heard it here first.

By the way, the "Food Replicator" joke is obviously a play on Sharon's amazing cooking skills, which always seem to be augmented by Miguel's expert help. There was some confusion here with some readers, so let me say explicitly and for the record that I didn't mean they really have a food replicator (at least, not in this episode). But rather that they treat Miguel as if he were some component they don't have to acknowledge the help of. Perhaps a schematic diagram would help:


            .......................[*] Speaker
           (*)      o---------------------- Strings
     Microphone |\\ |           |\\o---------- operating
                | \\|           | \|             door
 SHARON'S       |  \\           |  |\
 KITCHEN        |   \\          |   \\    MIGUEL'S
                |    \\---------|    \\   "SHADOW KITCHEN"
                 \   ||          \   ||
    "Replicator"  \  ||  Food     \  ||
      Food Out     \ ||   Goes     \ ||  <--- Box
       to           \||    Here     \||    (with clever
    Nick/Sharon       ================   logo on Sharon's side)


Will Cassie's first attempt at courtship be judged acceptable?

The symmetry between Danny/Cricket and Michael/Phyllis is really starting to bug me. I just want to shatter it so we could get on to find out if there's anything interesting beyond.

Not to mention the fact that I don't see anyone trying to protect Daniel's interests. This would be a good chance for Joani to get her own storyline.

I've been missing Doris, so figured it was time to explain her absence. Presumably she's been training little Cassie. Not to mention I figured it was time for Cassie to take on a second career since she's probably already put at least as much energy on her job at Newman Enterprises as the typical employee ever does in a lifetime.

That's all for Episode 71's morals. Don't miss Episode 72 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1997, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.