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Episode 137 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 137:

Will the board of Jabot be able to revive their marketing strategy?

I hear Jerri (from the CBS Survivor II series) is going to be on Y&R. Ok, I'll try to withhold (further) judgment on whether this is good or bad until I see how it comes out. But personally, I'd much rather have seen Elisabeth!

Will Trisha or Ryan be revived in time to avoid dying from deadly gas?

In the show, Ryan rescued Trisha from the deadly gas before Carter entered. When Carter arrived, she was already safe. Even if Carter smelled gas, which he hadn't said he did, he couldn't attribute it to a suicide attempt by Trisha. Yet on his way out, he turned on the gas for Ryan and thanked Trisha for the idea. Looked like a continuity error to me.

Will Genoa City be the site of a 60's TV series revival?

Over and over again, we see Victor single-handedly solving crime after crime, without the involvement of others. He takes on very youthful bad guys against all kinds of odds and never finds himself in trouble. A great deal of the rest of Y&R is spent on educating people about the foolhardiness of various kinds of things--how you can get in trouble if you lie to your spouse or sleep with the wrong person or ignore the symptoms of a disease. Consider this this my personal PSA on what can happen to you when you take on the job of the police department without proper training.

By the way, speaking of rescues, it's a miracle we ever needed one, given how long it took Sharon to notice she even needed one. I was sure she was going to go ahead and make love to Carter, never figuring it out.

That's all for Episode 137's morals. Don't miss Episode 138 and its morals!
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Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 2001, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.