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Episode 11 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 11:

A Christmas Hope

Ah, where do I begin...

It's obvious to me that there's a desire to do special things on certain days. Sometimes it's just to be seasonally cheery. Other times, it's because the show will air on a holiday but the producers are worried many people won't be watching, so they don't want to waste a day of plot. Other times it's an evening Sweeps Week presentation. I'd rather see a special "out of timeline" episode involving the characters "just for fun" than see the entire plot perturbed as happened recently with getting everyone cheery and mellow for the Christmas season and perhaps for Christmas day itself. Why not just have a "Halloween Special" mini-mystery, a "Christmas Special" tale of kindness, etc., without perturbing the surrounding plot? (Call them dream sequences with respect to the regular show if you need to work them into the regular plot.)

But I do think Victor has too much power on the show, and I do think he should give Jabot back so that some people could have balancing power. I do think he should speak up. I do think he should say good-bye before hanging up the phone. And so on...

And I do think the former wives should get together for some organized mischief once in a while.

That's all for Episode 11's morals. Don't miss Episode 12 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1996, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.