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Episode 67, originally published 13-Oct-97

Comings and Goings

"Look, there she is," Victor Junior says to Hope and Betty as Cassie de-planes from the Newman Corporate Jet. She wears a very fashionable business suit and carries her doll, Cindy, who is also impeccably dressed in a corporate outfit. Once on the ground, she turns to Wally and says, "I don't expect to be terribly long. Can you stand by?" "No problem, Ms. Johnson," Wally says. She runs to Victor Junior and gives him a big hug. "Hi. I missed you," she says. "I'm glad you could come visit us," Victor Junior says sincerely. "It's nice here on the farm, but I've missed my friends from the ranch," he admits. They all pile into Betty's jeep, where a large, friendly dog sits patiently waiting. Victor Junior says, "This is Bingo. Bingo, this is Cassie." The dog responds by moving forward and trying to lick Cassie's face. She defends herself as best she can, giggling the whole while. "Nice to meet you, Bingo," she says finally.

Ryan has been called away to view a dead body. Could it be Nina's? Inexplicably, Trisha has decided to avail herself of Nina's accomodations. "Hmm. I've been here for a whole day and it's getting boring just pacing back and forth trying to looking concerned with no one here to see me," she mutters to herself. "I wonder if they have any food here." She goes to the fridge. It is jammed to the brink with beer. She takes one and moves to the closet next to the fridge. This has more of a selection--it has both Doritos and Ring Dings. She grabs a package of each and moves to the freezer, which is well-stocked with ice cream. She grabs a pint of something. She puts her spoils onto a conveniently placed tray, and carries it all to the living room, where she sits on the couch and clicks on the TV.

Dru is pacing back and forth by herself at her apartment. "Ok, Today. The people at the lab told me Neil's results would be ready today. Today... Today... Ok, Dru. THINK! You can make this work. You got to DO something and it can't wait NO longer..." Suddenly she stops and appears to have an idea. She grabs her purse and rushes out.

As everyone arrives back at Hope's place, Cassie says to Victor Jr. and Betty. "I need to speak privately with Hope, if that wouldn't be too much trouble." Betty smiles, "That's no trouble, sweetheart. Victor Junior and I will take Bingo for a walk." Bingo barks his approval and the three march back out the door. Hope sits at the dining room table, wondering what Cassie is about to say. Cassie places Cindy on the table and says, "We'll come straight to the point, Mrs. Wilson." "We?" Hope asks. "Oh, sorry. I have my doll, Cindy, here as my advisor." She hands the doll to Hope, who feels it and then hands it back. "Anyway," Cassie continues, "I've taken a position at Newman Enterprises--I'm supervising the career growth of Nicholas Newman." "Oh, my!" Hope says, both surprised and impressed. "Well," says Cassie, "I hope it won't surprise you too much if I admit that I've concluded the man has the IQ of a turnip." Hope shakes her head and laughs. "No, Cassie, it's no surpise. No surprise at all." "And... Victor," Cassie continues, "he's a very proud man. It's important to him that his son carries on after him." Hope nods again. "Yes, I knew that, too. Though I can't for the life of me figure out why it's not enough that he has an intelligent daughter in Victoria..." Cassie replies, "Oh, yes, Victor is very sexist. But Cindy and I are trying to work within that constraint."

At Nina's apartment, the door rattles and in walks Nina. "You! You! What are you doing here?" Nina says. Trisha turns around and sees Nina. "Nina! I thought you were--" "You thought I was what? And where's Ryan?" "Dead, I thought you were dead. Ryan got called away to look at your body..." "And you thought you'd just wait here for him to return?" "Well, I thought you were dead. I didn't think you'd mind." "But I'm not dead, am I?" Trisha shrugs, "Apparently not." Nina pulls out a gun and aims it at her. Trisha asks, "What are you doing?" "I'm threatening your life, you little twit," Nina says, annoyed. "This is a gun. Perhaps you've seen them." "You can't scare me, Nina. I know about guns. Guns don't kill people, people kill people." "Could you be any dumber?" Nina asks. "Have you noticed that a person is holding the gun?" Trisha looks finally a bit scared. "Are you saying you might kill me?" "No, I'm not saying that, Trisha. Because if I killed you, people would ask me to justify why. And I would tell them the truth--that the world is better off without you and that I should be declared a hero for offing you. But I know better than to think the world wants to be done any favors, so you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to kill myself. Because then I'll never have to see your face again, and maybe, just maybe, YOU'LL get blamed." Nina puts the gun to her throat and shoots herself dead. "Nina? Nina!?" Trisha calls to her as if this will somehow help.

Dru enters the hospital carrying her purse with a small white paper shopping bag sticking out of the top of it. She enters the OB/GYN ward and sits down, perusing the people in the room. Seeing a pregnant woman across the room, she gets up and moves next to her. "Excuse me," she says. "I wonder if I could ask you a favor..."

"So," Cassie says, finally getting to the point with Hope, "we--Cindy and I--were hoping that perhaps you would agree to let Victor Junior know who his father was. And then maybe you could let him come to Genoa City so I could tell Victor Senior honestly that he had a son who was ready to replace him." "But I don't want Victor Junior to grow up in that world..." Hope says. "I expected you to say that, so I have a proposal. Suppose we set up a satellite dish and a high speed communications link. Victor Junior could still live here with you and Bingo, and he could still go to school with his friends, but in his free time, assuming all his schoolwork was done, he could telecommute to Newman Enterprises." "He could do that?" Hope asks, surprised. "Oh, definitely, Mrs. Wilson." "I wonder why Victor never suggested that for himself," Hope ponders. "Well, just between you and me?" Cassie asks. Then she answers her own question: "Let's put it this way--I'm afraid most of Victor Junior's intelligence came from your side of the family."

Back at her apartment, Dru enters carrying the purse and the bag again, as well as the mail from the mailbox downstairs. She sifts through the mail. "Oh my god, here it is." She holds an envelope up to the light but can't read through it. "Damn!" she says, but then she adds: "Good thing we arranged for plan B." She sets down the letter and takes the white bag with her.

Trisha is freaking out and pacing in circles. She gets on the phone and calls Alec. "Alec? Hi, it's me. Trisha. ... Can you come over? No, no--not to my house--I'm at--a--a friend's. ... uh, Ryan's? Yeah, that's right. Where we sat in the tree that night... ok, ok, I guess it was several nights. Anyway, you know where it is, right? ... Oh, and Alec? Hurry!" She hangs up. A few moments later, there's a knock on the door. She peers through the security viewer in the door. "Alec!!" she says, opening the door and ushering him quickly inside. "You got here really fast." "Well, truth is, you were calling me on my cellular--and I was sitting in that tree... Did something happen Trisha? I saw Nina go in, and then I heard a gunshot..." "She shot herself..." "She--? Trisha, if she found you in her house, isn't it more likely she'd have shot you? Now, it's just you and me here--did you shoot her?" "Alec! I need you to believe me." "Ok, ok. I believe you. So what are we going to do? Call the police?"

"I can't call the police. They'll ask a lot of questions. I'm not good at answering questions. Look, everyone thinks she ran away--and they're expecting to find her dead. Maybe we could just ... arrange that." "But what about the doorman downstairs?" "Alec!! You're confusing the TV episode with this AWO episode--Kent carefully didn't mention any witness in this AWO episode." "Good point. Ok, so all we have to do is carry the body back out the front door. And then what?" "Well, maybe we can throw her in the river and they'll think she drowned," Trisha suggests. Alec says, "You don't think they'll notice the bullet hole?" "Well, maybe they'll think she wasn't taking chances--that she shot herself near water, to make sure that if she didn't die from the gunshot she'd drown," Trisha says. Alec sighs. "I can see why you don't want to get interviewed by the police; you really aren't very good with these things are you?" Trisha whines and tears pour forth from her eyes. "Hey, easy there, I was only kidding," he lies, trying to calm her down.

Neil enters his apartment and Dru comes racing out in a white satin teddy with a matching cape wrapped around it with her hands behind her back. Neil sees the stack of mail and immediately starts leafing through the letters, stopping at the one from the lab. "Honey..." Dru says, trying to distract him. "Just a second, Baby, I wanna look at something." "The letter from the lab?" "Yeah, how'd you know about that?" "I know what it says," she says. He looks at the envelope. It looks unopened. "You do?" She nods and says "uh,huh" in a seductive tone while dropping the cape with one hand, still keeping her other hand behind her back. "I do," she says. He is captivated by the outfit. He stutters a little, distracted. "Well, how--did you steam it open?" She is her seductive best. "Huh uh. It wasn't like that at all, honey." He's getting into it now. She holds up a pregnancy test which shows a `plus sign'. "I'm pregnant, Neil," she says finally. "So, somehow I think that little piece of paper has suddenly become... unnecessary..." She wraps her arm around him and kisses him. As she does, she takes the letter from him and ceremoniously drops it in a conveniently placed trashcan unopened. She breathes a quiet sigh of relief as their shoulders sink lower and lower as they move slowly to the floor, out of sight behind the table.

Alec hunts about in Nina's apartment and finds a laundry cart to use for moving the body about. He tries to lift her but isn't quite able. "Wow, for someone so short, she's really heavy," he says. "Must be all those Doritos," Trisha says. "Here, let me help." The two of them are just barely able to lift her into the cart. Alec points to the myriad empty bags of Doritos that adorn the floor. "Pile those on top of her so that no one sees the body in the bottom." "Good plan!" Trisha says, scooping up the bags. "All set?" he says, looking around. There is blood all over and Trisha scrunches up her nose. "I'll come back and repaint the room later to hide the blood," she says. Alec nods and the two of them exit for the river.

Dru enters Malcolm's apartment. "What's the thrill, sista-gihl?" Malcolm asks her. "Come to tell me the good news?" "Good news?" she asks, confused. "Come on, Dru. Do you think your husband could contain himself for even two seconds once he found out? He called me, but hey--it's cool. I won't tell." "Malcolm!" she stops him. "You have to help me." "Help you?" he asks. Dru nods. He asks again, "Help you how?" "I need to get pregnant and it's gotta be NOW!" "Whoa, whoa. I am NOT followin' here girl, 'cuz I thought we just got done sayin'--" "WE didn't just get done sayin' NOTHIN' Malcolm! You got done tellin' me what Neil said; now I'M tellin' you like it is." "So you ain't pregnant?" "Not that I know of." "But Neil thinks you are?" "Well, I had to do SOMETHING. He was about to open that letter from the clinic. And what if it said he was sterile and never could have kids?" "Well, then, he'd know Lily was---well,--that would not be good." "So you see, I had to tell him I was pregnant." "Well, that's good, but he's going to start to notice." "Which is why I have to GET pregnant. And you and me--we did it once and it worked really fast. So let's do it again NOW." "Now? Here? You and me?" "You owe me, Malcolm." "I gave you a kid, and so now I owe you a kid? How you figure that?" "You gave me no choice, and now you owe me a choice," she reasons.

Malcolm shakes his head. "Look here, Dru, you ain't thinkin' straight. Now suppose you DO get pregnant? What's that going to do to your career?" "I don't know, Malcolm. I'll worry about that later. Maybe I'll fall off a ladder and never be able to have kids again." "Dru, you already thought you couldn't have no more kids." "I know, Malcolm, and that's why it's gotta be with you--you beat the odds the last time, you can do it again." Malcolm says, "I dunno, Dru, I--" Dru walks up very close to Malcolm and puckers up slightly. "Please, Malcolm...?" "Dru, I..." "You what? You just soooo satisfied with my boring old sister that you can't look at another woman? You can't fool me, Malcolm. She probably won't even get into bed with you unless you dress up in a three-piece suit and she can call you Neil, am I right?" "How'd you know--" he starts to say. "She's MY sister, Malcolm. Sisters talk... about some things." "What do you mean, about some things?" "Well, if you don't help me, Malcolm, I may have to tell Olivia that you did try to help." "Wait a minute, if I DON'T help you, you might tell her I DID?" She nods. "And if I DO help you, you WON'T?" She nods again. "Don't that seem a little backward?" Malcolm says. "Not if it gets me what I need, Malcolm. Now come on--this is important--it could save my marriage. And we both know you're just dyin' to do it with a REAL woman again--aren't you?" Malcolm sighs. "Dru, I... Oh, alright, alright. Let's do it." Dru jumps up and down. "Oh, Malcolm, you're the best brother-in-law a woman could have," she says. She kisses him on the lips and he returns the kiss.

At Saint Kurt's Medical Center, some kids from the neighborhood come running in and say "Doc, doc, come quickly! A woman's in trouble...' Kurt puts down his Bible and runs with them to the edge of a nearby river. There, Nina's body has been pulled out of the water. "She's not breathing," one of the kids says. Kurt nods. "Maybe she needs a tracheotomy," says another. "Don't be silly--someone's already tried that and failed--see the hole in her neck?" notes the first. Kurt puts one hand on the hole in Nina's neck and holds her hand with the other until she starts to breathe. She looks up at Kurt and says, "Who--who are you?" "I'm Kurt--with a K--Costner. I'll be your new love interest." She smiles and they kiss.

That's all for this episode. Hope you learned something. Don't miss Episode 68!
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Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1997, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.